Monday, July 20, 2020

class 10 science chapter 8 notes | CELL BIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY


Chapter - 8                                                               < Chapter - 7.2

Part - 1


Cytology:- The study of structure , types and organelles of cell  is called cell biology or cytology.
  • It also includes the study of cell division .

Stem cells:-

  • Special types of cells present in the body of multicellular organism.
  • Cells play  an important role  in wounding healing .
  • From zygote new organism is formed by union of male and female gamete.
  • Organism is in the form of a mass cells.
  • Cells are called as stem cells.
  • Different types of tissues and perform different function in the body.
  • Stem cells are present in the umbilical cord by which the fetus is joined to the uterus of mother.
  • Cells are also present in the blastocyst stage of embryonic development
  • Redbone marrow and adipose connective tissue of adult human beings.

Stem cell research:-

  • Stem cell research is a revolutionary event after cloning in biotechnology
  • Depending upon source, stem cells are of two types as embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells.

Embryonic Stem cells:-

  • Cells of embryo undergo repeated mitotic divisions.
  • Cell differentiation starts from 14th day of conception.
  • Cells of different organs like osteocytes (bone cells), hepatocytes (liver Cells) and neurons are formed due to differentiation
  • 220 different types of cells in human body are formed from single type cells.
  • Self multiplying ability of they are parent cells all types of human cells
  • This property of stem cells is called as pleuripotency.
  • Stem cells are collected well before beginning of differentiation on 14th day i.e. 5th -7th day.

Adult Stem Cells:-

  • It is obtained from body of adult person.
  • Three main sources of stem Cells in the body of adult person
  • Redbone marrow adipose connective tissue and blood.
  • It can be obtained from chard blood immediate after birth

Use of blood cells:-

  • Regenerative Therapy.
  • Organ transplantation.
  • Organ body donation.

class 10 science chapter 8 notes | CELL BIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY

Organ Transplantation:-

  • Due to various reasons like aging ,accidents, infections, disorders organ  in human body become less efficient or completely functionless,
  • If a person gets the necessary organ under such conditions its life can be saved.
  • Donor should be available for organ transplantation.
  • Donor and recipient need to be paid attention during transplantation.
  • Organs like liver, heart, eyes, can be donated after death only.
Organ and body Donation:-
Organ and body Donation:-
  • As per traditional customs human bodies are disposed after death.
  • After death for certain period organs remain functional.
  • Organs can be used to save the life of other needful persons.
  • Awareness about these concepts is increasing in our country and people are voluntarily donating their bodies.
  • Many life of people can be saved by organ and body donation.
  • Blind people can regain their vision.
  • Donation of organs like liver, kidneys, heart valves, skin etc
  • Social and government organization is working towards awareness about Body  donation.
To be cont...

Part - 2


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