Monday, June 29, 2020

E-Learning SSC Science 2 Notes : Environmental Management System Notes 2020

E-Learning SSC Science 2 Notes : Environmental Management System Notes 2020: Environmental management Ecosystem:- Ecosystem  is formed by biotic factors and their interaction with each other. Each factor plays ver...

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Environmental Management System Notes 2020

Chapter - 4.0

Environmental management


  • Ecosystem is formed by biotic factors and their interaction with each other.
  • Each factor plays very important role in the ecosystem.
  • Herbivores - Deer, goat, sheep, cattle, horses, camels etc. feed upon producers.
  • Predators – Lion and Tiger.
  • Caterpillars and termites, insect are responsible for cleaning the environment
environmental management system notes 2020,environmental management 10th class notes

Relation between Environment and Ecosystem:-

  • Physical, Chemical and biological factors affecting the living organisim in any possible way is collectively called as environment.
  • Environment is the condition in surrounding.
  • It includes biotic, abiotic natural and artificial factors.
  • Main type are – Natural environment 
                                - Artificial environment.

  • Natural environment consist of air, atmosphere, water, land, living organism.
  • The science that deals with the study of interaction between biotic and abiotic factors of the environment is called as ecology.
  • Environmental balance is maintained through continues operation of
  •  Natural cycles like water cycle, carbon cycle, gaseous, nitrogen cycle, oxygen cycle.


Environmental Conservation:-

  • Unnecessary and unacceptable change in the surrounding environment
    due to natural events or human activities is called as environment Pollution.
  • Types of pollution:- Air, Water, sound, soil, thermal, light pollution.
  • Environmental conservation has become the need of an hour.
  • Radioactive Pollution:- UV and IR radiations are natural radiation.
  • X-rays and atomic energy plants are artificial radiations.
  • Effects of radiation are:
    1) Cancerous ulceration

2) Tissue in the body are destroyed.

3) Genetic changes occur.

4)  Vision is adversely affected.


Need of Environment Conservation:-

  • Large scale participation of the people in environment conservation is required.
  • Positive attitude and affection towards environmental should be inculcated among the children since childhood.       


Environmental Conservation Our Social Responsibility:-

  • There is interrelationship between human and environment.
  • Human utilized all the natural resources as much as possible.
  • Human itself only can conserve and improve the quality of Nature.


Environmental Conservation and biodiversity:-

  • Biodiversity is the richness of living organisim in nature due to presence of living organisim in nature due to presence of varieties of organisims, ecosystem  and genetic  variation within a species.
  • Biodiversity occurs at three different levels.
a) Genetic diversity.
B) Species diversity .
c) Ecosystem diversity.



Classification of threatened species:-

1) Endangered Species.

2) Rare Species.

3) Vulnerable Species.

4) Indeterminate Species.

< chapter - 3.2 - Life Processes class 10 solutions 2020 


Saturday, June 27, 2020

Life Processes class 10 solutions 2020

Chapter - 3.0

Part - 2

Life Process in Living Organisms Part – 2

Sexual Reproduction:-

Sexual reproduction always occurs with the help of two germ cells.

1 Female Gamete

2 Male Gamete are those two germ cells.


1 Gamete formation:- Gametes are formed by the meiosis. In meiosis, chromosome number is reduced to half Hence haploid gametes are formed.

2 Fertilization:- A diploid zygote is formed in this process by union of haploid male and female gamete.

  • Embryo develops to from new individual
  • Male parent and female parent are involved in this type
  • Diversity in living organisms occurs due to genetic variation.
  • Genetic variation help the organisms to adjust in changing environment

A – Sexual Reproduction in plants:-

  • Four  floral whorls as calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium.
  • They perform the function of reproduction.
  • Androceium present – Male flower.
  • Gynoecium present – Female flower. (eg. Papaya )
  • Flowers having stalk – Sessile
  • Androecium male whorl – stamens.


  • Gynoecium female whorl – carpel
  • Pollen grains transferred to the stigma (Pollination)
  • Pollen tube carries male gametes
  • Pollen tube reaches Embryo sac via style.
  • Male gametes units with egg cell to from zygote.
  • Two nuclei participate in this process is called double fertilization.


B – Sexual reproduction in Human being:-

  • Men have XY Sex Chromosomes.
  • Women have XX chromosomes.
  • Reproductive system with specific organ develops in the body of men and women due to sex chromosomes

1) – Human male reproductive system.

2) – Human female reproductive system.

Gamete formation:-

  • Sperm and ovum are formed by meiosis.
  • Sperm are produced in testes of men from maturation till death
  • While in female and oocytes mature every month from maturity up to the age of menopause – 45 years of age


  • Formation of zygote by union of sperm and ovum is called as fertilization.
  • Journey by the route of vagina – uterus – oviduct.


Development and Birth:-

Menstrual Cycle:-

  • Female reproductive system undergo changes at puberty at the interval of every 28 – 30 days.
  • These repetitive changes are called as menstrual cycle.
  • It is a natural process controlled by four hormones.

Four Hormones –

  • Follicle Stimulating hormone (FSH)
  • Luteinizing hormone (LH)
  • Estrogen
  • Progesterone


Reproduction and Modern Technology:-

  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
  • Surrogacy
  • Sperm Bank /Semen Bank
  • Two embryos develop simultaneously  in the same uterus.
  • Thus two off springs are delivered simultaneously
  • There are two types of twins
  • Monozygotic  twins and dizygotic twins.

Life Processes class 10 solutions 2020

Chapter - 3.0

Life Process in Living Organisms Part – 1

Part - 1

Life Process:-

  • Nutrition
  • Respiration
  • Excretion
  • Sensation
  • Response


Formation of new organisms of same species by earlier existing organisms is called as reproduction


Reproduction two methods:-

A ) Asexual Reproduction

B ) Sexual Reproduction


A ) Asexual Reproduction in unicellular organisms.

1       Binary fission:- Prokaryotes (bacteria), Protists ( Amoeba ) paramoecium, Euglena, etc. and eukaryotic cell organelle like mitochondria and chloroplast perform asexual reproduction by Binary fission.

  • Simple Binary fission takes place in Amoeba because it divides in any plane due to lack of specific shape

  • Paramoecium divides by transverse binary fission

  • Euglena by longitudinal binary fission

2      Multiple fission:-

Asexual reproduction by multiple fission is performed by Amoeba

  • Formation of pseudopodia is stop due to lack of food
  • Amoeba or protest is called as cyst

3       Budding :- Asexual reproduction occurs by budding in yeast

Yeast all is called as parent cell

B ) Asexual Reproduction in Multicellular organisms.

          1 Fragmentation:-

          The body of organisms break up into many Fragments and each fragment starts to live as an independent new organisms

eg:- Spirogyra, Sycon

        2 Regeneration:- Planaria breaks up its body into two parts and there after each part regenerates remaining part of The body and new Planaria are formed This is called regenerates



3 Budding:- Hydra under Favorable conditioner an out growth is formed by repeated division of regeneration is called as bad.



4    Vegetative Propagation:-

Reproduction in Plants with the help of vegetative parts like root, stem, leaf and bud is called vegetative Reproduction


          5 Spore Formation :- Spores germinate in moist and warm place and new fungal colony is formed.

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