Friday, June 26, 2020

Chapter - 2.1-Life Processes in living Organisms – Part -1

Chapter - 2.0

Life Processes in living Organisms – Part -1

« Living Organisms and life processes: -


  • Various Organ system continuously performs function in human body
  • Digestive, respiratory, circulatory, excretory.
  • Carbohydrates, fats and lipids are the main source of energy
  • It is harvested by mitochondria present in each cell.
  • Foodstuffs and oxygen are transported up to cell via circulatory system.
  • Plants are autotrophs
  • They prepare their own food.
  • They utilize some of the food for themselves remaining is stored in various parts like fruit, leaves, steam, roots etc.
  • We consume nutrients from plants like carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, mineral etc.


« Material we consume from Animals and plants: -


  • Different nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, etc. from various plants materials.
  • We obtain the carbohydrates from milk, fruits, jaggery, sugar cane, vegetables potatoes, sweet potatoes, sweet, meats.
  • Cereals like wheat, maize, ragi, jowar, millet, rice etc.
  • We get 4 cal energy per gram of carbohydrates.

«Living Organisms and Energy production: -
  •       In Living Organisms, Respiration occurs at Two levels

    i)                   Body

    ii)                 Cellular level

  •         Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged.

  •         In case of respiration at cellular level,  foodstuffs

  •       Foodstuffs are oxidized either with or without help of oxygen.

  •         Carbohydrates  of the food that we consume is used foe energy required for daily need.

  •       Energy is obtained in from of ATP.

  •       Glucose is oxidized step by step in the cells this is called as cellular respiration.


­­­­­                                     Cellular Respiration


    Aerobic Respiration                                         Anaerobic Respiration

(Oxygen is involved)                                            (Oxygen is not involved)

In aerobic respiration glucose is oxidized in 3 steps

1)        1) Glycolysis :-

  • Process of glycolysis occurs in cytoplasm.

  • A molecule of glucose is oxidized step by step

  • Two molecules of each. Pyruvic acid, ATP, NADH2 and water is formed.

  • Pyruvic acid are converted into molecules of Acetyl-Coenzyme-A.
    Two molecules of NADH2 and Two molecules of CO2 are released durig this process.

2) Tricarboxylic acid cycle:-

  • Cyclic chain of reactions called as tri caboxylic acid cycle
  • It is operated in the mito chondria
  • Acetyl part of acetyl-CoA is completely
  • CO2, H2O , NADH2, FADH2, are derived.


3) Electron Transfer Chain reaction: -

  • Due to this 3 molecules of ATP are obtained from each NADH2 molecule and 2 molecules of ATP from each FADH2 molecule
  • Water molecules are also formed in this reaction
  • Electron transfer chain reaction is separated  in mitochondria only

Full form of

NADH2 – Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide

FADH2 – Flavin Adenine Dinucleotie

Both enzymes are formed in the cells and used in cellular respiration


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