Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Chapter - 1.2

Evolution :-

Variation ( Differences)

  • Species
  • By Geographical Isolation
  • Natural selection
  • Accidental case
  • Artificial selection

Transcription Translation & Translocation

Transcription: - The process of RNA synthesis is called as transcription

Translation: -      T -RNA has anti codon having complementary sequence to the codon on mRNA. This is called  as translation.

Translocation: - The process of continues movement of ribosome from one end of mRNA to other end by the distance of one triplet codon  is called as translocation

 Mutation: - Any nucleotide of the gene changes its position that causes a minor change which is called as mutation, Mutation causes genetic disorders like sickle cell anemia.



             Evidences of Evolution


1)      1)Morphological                      2 ) Anatomical                                                            3 )    Vestigial  

Evidences                                          Evidences                                                                   Organs          

(Animals / Plants)                       (Human beings/ Animals)                                            (Human body)


4) Paleontological                        5) Connecting links                                                6) Embryological

Evidences : - ( Fossil)        ( Same animals with special characteristics)                     Evidences

                                                                                                           (Embryos during different stages )


The above evidences of can be learnt by few words in easy way




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